R - Soft Materials and Smart Sensing Devices


Bingpu ZHOU (bpzhou@um.edu.mo), University of Macau

Scope and topics:

The emergence of soft active materials is revolutionizing the way human communicates with the environments. The soft and intelligent materials are now providing a new solution for studies and applications in science and engineering. In this symposium, researchers will share their recent research in the fields of soft and smart systems, covering from the material design, device fabrication, to system establishment.

The main topics will include, but not limit to:

Flexible and wearable sensors

Microfluidics and Lab-on-Chip

Soft bio-chemical sensors

Stimuli-responsive materials

Droplet behaviors, etc.

List of keynote and invited speakers (to be updated):


Important Dates

01 Nov.  2023  *Note: poster session participants need to bring their own poster to the venue. We will offer exhibition boards for you to show their posters on it; poster size should be  841mm x 594mm (A1 Size) 


15 Jun. 2023 Deadline for Abstract Submission

30 June. 2023 Deadline for Abstract Submission Extended!

1-10 July. 2023 Notification of Acceptance

20 Jun. 2023 Open for On-Line Registration & Fee Payment

15 Aug. 2023 Deadline for Early Bird Registration and Fee Payment

31 Aug. 2023 Deadline for Early Bird Registration and Fee Payment

12 Nov. 2023 On-site Registration

13-16 Nov. 2023 Conference dates